Monday, 28 July 2008

vs. Draft FCB [10-0]

Having re-scheduled this game due to a little rain over two months ago, we can only assume the combined effects of DraftFCB's summer day out, a few too many drinks and the obvious fear of playing the current division leaders resulted in the predicted no show from this weeks opposition.

Regardless of the expected result the team still hauled the softball kit and compulsory supplies of refreshing alcoholic beverage to Regents park for a little after work sunshine and a very easy going practice before finally calling Draft as a no show at 8 O'Clock.

Thanks to this weeks newcomers destined for on and off the field infamy and ensuring we did have a full team out for a Friday night game. Thanks again to Martin, awarded MVP for the day, and Miss Rothwell for being this weeks support.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

vs. The Economist [19-13]

Like the passing of the seasons another year had come and the old enemy had arrived at our pitch with their intent clear, shiny uniforms dulled by the grey evening and falling rain, our nemesis, the Economist, looked like just another team destined to fall beneath the momentum that is PAA and Fuel, now in year 4. However the memory of defeat in last years final was still fresh as we had yet again been denied the clean sweep of the league and playoffs.

This however is a new year, a new team with fresh talent bolstered by our very own All Star selected Bridgerama (congratulations again on making the LASL team), and the ever present support of Calamity Chloe, still out of action since that fateful rodeo but addicted to the thrill of the fight and of course the team cider.

The rain couldn’t dampen our mood and we were again lifted by further support from a herd of Buck enthusiastically asking how old they had to be before they too could play.

The coin was tossed and the game was on. It didn’t take long for the tension to build and as yet another failed banker attempted to force their way into second base the team rallied behind our All Star calling for calm and respect from the enemy runners. Even with our aggressive fielding and strong banter flying in on the wind from Alex deep in the out field, our old enemy was building upon their lead each innings. It took crafty base running from the team to scrape together a few runs.

In the fifth innings we were trailing by 12 to 4. There was only one thing for it and that was for our resident Buck to rally the team with his now famous war cry, ‘Lets fuck 'em up’. And so we did. Running 9 home and taking the lead for the first time, we followed it by a strong innings fielding and The Economist failed to regain their lead. We had won. Or as Pau would say, ‘what, we won!?’ and with a final innings with the bat to work on that run difference.

Thanks to everyone as always, the next game is again this Friday for our re-scheduled, rained off match against Draft FCB.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

vs. Lowe [40-13]

Lowe, advertising boys and girls par excellence and probably Bowie’s best LP. (That’s Long Playing record, under thirties.) But, vinyl trainspotting notwithstanding, how were they at softball?

Not as good as the mighty Fartners, that’s for sure, as we racked up our highest winning margin this season of 27, completing a hat-trick of convincing victories.

What do you mean, you want details? We are still giddy on the Lambrusco of success to remember stonking home runs from the Buck brothers, a quite frankly miraculous catch from Steffi on second and a powerful display of second base sliding, notably by Wild Man Waldie and the return of the undisputed sledging champion of the world, Gooner Edwards-Winser. Fuckadeedoodah, that was a long sentence wasn’t it?

Sporting gents and ladies as we are, Mercy was offered to the Lowe comedy revue (booking now for weddings, bar mitzvahs and corporate hospitality) at the bottom of the fifth innings. Amusingly enough they thought we were asking Mercy from them.

Laughable, considering they were 15 behind at this stage, despite an attempted mini comeback, comprising one home run and a catch. But in the sixth we thwacked a few more around the pitch, notching up another 10 just to emphasise our crushing superiority.

What must be said however is that Lowe were the nicest, most entertaining and sporting opponents of the season so far. Can we play them again, please?

Monday, 14 July 2008

vs. TMW [32-7]

Sorry about the general tardiness of this match report and quite frankly I can't remember too much about it, so we will be brief.

The King's Road massive (well, their captain was) swaggered into our manor with the confidence befitting an unbeaten team. They left in the manner of a diminutive Welsh chanteuse. Indeed, by the end of the fifth innings they were begging for 'Mercy'. (See what I did there?)

And who can blame them? After a sustained bickering contest over the finer points of the rules for the first two innings, TMW proved they were well ahead in terms of sneaky ways to get people out, but lagged far behind in terms of softball talent.

With just 10 players (thanks to last-minute Milly, pitching up to spare our blushes) and no subs it could have gone badly for us. But didn't.

We shot out of the blocks and hammered out 12 rounds in the first innings and a further eight in the second. TMW's reply was 1 in the first and 0, yes 0, in the second.

As it was getting a bit nippy and we all fancied a pint, TMW displayed further, final in-depth knowledge of the rule book, invoked the 'Mercy' protocol and fell on their collective swords (bats?) at the bottom of the fifth. Blinding.

Previous winning margin - 20
This winning margin - 25